Customer Tells Their BOOST MY FUEL Success Story

I began using BOOST, when my car had approximately 103,000 miles. My car now has nearly 144,000. miles.

The first thing I noticed when I began using Boost a few years ago was an increase in miles per tank. I do a lot of Interstate driving and saw an increase from around 400 to 468 miles per tank (on trips) in just my second tank of fuel with Boost.

That was significant for me as I'm back and forth between East Lincoln and West Omaha, Nebraska, a quite a bit (a distance of about 40 miles), so the extra miles per tank make a significant difference. It's also good to know that my car's engine is running cooler, extending it's life and giving me more peace of mind.

I'll continue using Boost in every tank and hope to get quite a few more miles out of this car which has increased it's value to me.

- Jaye Ott

Witness how complete the fuel burns here:


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